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贾永锋,男,1964年生人,博士,研究员,博士生/硕士生 导师。中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才计划”(百人计划)入选者,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国家百千万人才工程入选者,国家有突出贡献中青年专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。曾任中国科学院污染生态与环境工程重点实验室主任。现任中科院沈阳生态所研究员、研究所学术委员会主任,《生态学杂志》主编。


2005.5-至今    中科院沈阳生态所研究员

2000.9-2005.5     加拿大麦基尔大学矿业与材料系博士后

1996.9-2000.7     英国纽卡斯尔大学化学系博士

1995.10-1996.9   英国纽卡斯尔大学化学系访问学者

1989.6-1995.9     原冶金部鞍山热能研究院碳素材料研究所助工、工程师

1986.9-1989.6     原冶金部鞍山热能研究院硕士

1982.9-1986.7     辽宁石油化工大学学士



2. “十三五国家重点研发项目农田地质高背景重金属污染机理研究课题一:地质来源重金属的表生迁移循环与负荷量化382万元,2017-2020

3. “十三五国家重点研发项目:中国北方森林和草地生态系统碳氮耦合循环与碳源汇效应研究子课题,70万元,2016-2020




1.Wang, S.; Zhang, D.; Li, X.; Zhang, G.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Gomez, M.A.; Jia*, Y.F.(2018) Arsenic associated with gypsum produced from Fe(III)-As(V) coprecipitation: Implications for the stability of industrial As-bearing waste.Journal of Hazardous Materials360, 311-318.

2.Wang, Y.; Wu, X.; Wang, S.; Xiao, F.; Zhang, D.; Yao, S.;Jia*, Y.F.(2018) The adsorption behavior of thioarsenite on magnetite and ferrous sulfide.Chemical Geology492, 1-11.

3.Wang, C.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gomez, M.; Wang, S.;Jia*, Y.F.(2018) Occurrence state of co-existing arsenate and nickel ions at the ferrihydrite-water interface: Mechanisms of surface complexation and surface precipitation via ATR-IR spectroscopy.Chemosphere206, 33-42.

4.Wang, S.; Jiao, B.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, G.; Wang, X.;Jia*, Y.F.(2018) Arsenic release and speciation during the oxidative dissolution of arsenopyrite by O2in the presence and absence of EDTA.Journal of Hazardous Materials346, 184-190.

5.Zhao, Z.; Wang, S.;Jia*, Y.F.(2017) Effect of sulfide on As(III) and As(V) sequestration by ferrihydrite.Chemosphere185, 321–328

6.Wang, S.; Zhang, D.; Ma, X.; Zhang, G.;Jia*, Y.F.;Hatada, K. (2017) Spectroscopic and DFT study on the species and local structure of arsenate incorporated in gypsum lattice.Chemical Geology460, 46–53.

7.Wang, S.; Ma, X.; Zhang, G.;Jia*, Y.F.; Hatada, K. (2016)New insight into the local structure of hydrous ferric arsenate using full-potential multiple scattering analysis, density functional theory calculations, and vibrational spectroscopy.Environmental Science & Technology50 (22), 12114–12121.

8.Xu, L.; Wu, X.; Wang, S.; Yuan, Z.; Xiao, F.; Yang, M.;Jia*, Y.F.(2016)Speciation change and redistribution of arsenic in soil under anaerobic microbial activities.Journal of Hazardous Materials301, 538–546.

9.Zhang, D.; Yuan, Z.; Wang, S.;Jia*, Y.F.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2015) Incorporation of arsenic into gypsum: Relevant to arsenic removal and immobilization process in hydrometallurgical industry.Journal of Hazardous Materials300, 272280.

10.Xiao, F.; Wang, S.; Xu, L.; Wang, Y.; Yuan, Z.;Jia*, Y.F. (2015) Adsorption of monothioarsenate on amorphous aluminum hydroxide under anaerobic conditions.Chemical Geology407-408, 46-53.

11.Song, Y.; Wang, S.; Jia*, Y.F.; Yuan, Z.; Wang, X.; Gomez, M.(2015) Effects of nutrient and sulfate additions on As mobility in contaminated soils: A laboratory column study.Chemosphere119, 902–909.

12.Jia*, Y.F.;Zhang, D.; Pan, R.; Xu, L.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2012) ANovel two-step coprecipitation process using Fe(III) and Al(III) for the removal and immobilization of arsenate from acidic aqueous solution.Water Research46, 500-508.

13.Xu, L.; Zhao, Z.;Wang, S.; Pan, R.;Jia*,Y.F.(2011) Transformation of arsenic in offshore sediment under the impact of anaerobic microbial activities.Water Research45, 6781-6788.

14.Zhao, Z.;Jia*, Y.F.; Xu, L.; Zhao, S. (2011) Adsorption and heterogeneous oxidation of As(III) on ferrihydrite.Water Research45, 6496-6504.

15.Zhang, D.;Jia*, Y.F.;Ma, J.; Li, Z. (2011) Removal of arsenic from water by Friedel′s salt (FS: 3CaO·Al2O3·CaCl2·10H2O).Journal of Hazardous Materials195, 398-404.

16.Zhu, H.;Jia*, Y.F.; Wu, X.; Wang, H. (2009)Removal of arsenic from water by supported nano zero-valent iron on activated carbon.Journal of Hazardous Materials172, 1591-1596.

17.Jia, Y.F.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2008) Coprecipitation of Arsenate with Iron (III) in Aqueous Sulfate Media: Effect of Time, Lime as Base and Co-Ions on Arsenic Retention.Water Research42, 661-668.

18.Jia, Y.F.; Xu, L.; Wang X.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2007) Infrared spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction characterization of the nature of adsorbed arsenate on ferrihydrite.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta71, 1643-1654.

19.Jia, Y.F.; Xu, L.; Fang Z.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2006) Observation of surface precipitation of arsenate on ferrihydrite.Environmental Science & Technology40, 3248-3253.

20.Jia, Y.F.; Demopoulos, G.P. (2005) Adsorption of arsenate onto ferrihydrite from aqueous solution: influence of media (sulfate vs. nitrate), added gypsum, and pH alteration.Environmental Science & Technology39, 9523-9527.






